Level 1 & 2 Training's w/ David's Approved Teachers

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Approved to teach Healer Training - Level 1 & 2

Danielle Hering - https://www.thrutheheart.com/events

Erin Telford - https://www.erintelford.com/breathwork-trainings


Approved to teach Healer Training - Level 1

Mackensey Smith - Level 1 -https://www.breathtosoul.com/events/breathworkhealertrainingdenver  (CO)

Eliza Kane - https://elizarosekane.com/services (East Coast)

Melodee Solomon - https://www.maharose.com/breathwork-healer-training-level-1  (NY, NM)

Sarah Rothman -  https://www.drsarahrothman.com/breathwork/ (Hawaii - Maui)

Michelle Baker -  Breathwork Healer Training Level One - Stockholm (Sweden)

Elisha Tichelle - https://elishatichelle.lpages.co/2024-breathwork-healer-training/ (FL)

Debby Andersen - https://www.debbyandersen.com/events-1/breathwork-healer-training-level-1 (TX)

Jenna Reiss - https://jennareiss.com/healer-training



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