Tres Piedras, NM Mountain Sage - Large (Super Charged) Bundle

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Very limited supply! Fresh bundles available right now.


This mountain sage is gathered, dried and bundled by David from his ranch in (Tres Piedras) Northern New Mexico. It is quite pungent and powerful. It is an excellent plant used in clearing spaces in particular and it adds a nice complimentary energy to other sages from around the country.


These larger bundles are blended with other powerful cleansing herbs David grows or procures himself including some of his homemade NM Incense, mint, rosemary, organic native tobacco, sweetgrass and palo santo. These blends reside in the center of the bundle and will emit the special super charged clearing energy when burned. Burn these bundles over an abalone shell or appropriate container to catch any burning material as this mountain sage has smaller leaves than white sage and quite different cleansing properties.


"I burn it at the beginning of group work as well as to keep my healing space clear of psychic energies" de


* the large super charged bundle is to the left in the picture, the regular bundle is to the right

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